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Finding & Maintaining Balance in Life

The Quickening

Over the summer, while practicing Reiki on myself, I received a vivid and intense download. I knew I had to write down what was being...

How to Make "Me Time"

(Repost May 2018) This week's theme is the lack of "Me Time" or filling your own cup first, putting your oxygen mask on first, and so on,...

How To Forgive

“Forgive” is often a trigger word for anyone who has suffered trauma. Forgiveness does not let someone off the hook.

Grieve in Your Own Time

Last week was one of grief. Multiple clients arrived carrying heavy emotional baggage containing loss, grief and unresolved anger. In all...

A Teacher's Final Lesson

Repost from October 2018 Just a week before he died, he told his students that none of us ever knows when we’ll die and that we have to...

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